Children are given opportunities to grow as compassionate, caring and responsible citizens that have a social conscience and are able to take responsibility for their own actions and play an active part in their community and the wider world. Across the year, school has supported many charities with fundraising events in school including national charity days such as Children in Need and NSPCC Number Day.
We provide a wide range of opportunities to have pupil voice and informal leadership roles in the school and the local community. We ensure our children engage with other members of their community in a caring way such as visiting elderly residents at local care homes and contributing to the local food bank.
Pupil Leadership
Across Thorntree Academy, we encourage all of our children to be dedicated and committed pupil leaders.
- Pupil Voice Groups
To ensure school listens and responds to all children’s thoughts and ideas, we conduct regular pupil voice groups across the school at different points within the school year. For example, our children suggested that there was an increase in parental involvement opportunities. Therefore, school have increased the number of activities involving parents including a weekly celebration of learning where parents are invited in to school to share in their child’s successes. #Futureyou post cards home, positive telephone calls and increased use of Class Dojo has improved parental engagement.
- Eco Group
There are a number of pupils across school who work as part of our Eco Group. The group comes together at different points in the year to work collaboratively on different projects in the school groups and beyond. This includes working alongside Middlesbrough’s Wilderness School.
- Power of Women Ambassadors
PoW Ambassadors promote gender equality, breakdown barriers and smash stereotypes! Our Ambassadors work with leading female figures in business across Tees Valley and share their learning with children across school.
-Dojo Spotters
Each week, children demonstrating our school values are selected to be Dojo Spotters in assembly where they award Dojo points to children behaving or interacting well in assemblies.